Friday, January 22, 2010

I let go a little more each day...

i'm the type of girl who will burst out laughing when a room is quiet over something that happened yesterday....

I don't think that life should ever be boring. Sure, sometimes it's nice to take a break and sleep in. Take those extra couple of deep breaths that you need. Let your hair down and just relax. Or in my case take my hair.. out? (Guys - you know that cute brunette at the bar with the long flowing mermaid hair? Half of it is not real and would light up in flames if any source of heat gets too close. However don't try that, it's definitely not the way to her heart.)

When I start to get bored, I get restless. When I start to get restless, the adhd sugar and caffeiene induced part of me knows I need to do something about it. The result? Stories that make me wonder why I have friends and just makes me laugh - half out of embarrassment as I relive the moment, and half out of shame. One thing i've learnt is you gotta be able to laugh at yourself - life will eat you up and spit you out as soon as you start taking yourelf too seriously. My life is filled with such strange and magical and awkward moments. 

Enter scenario #1.

Last week there was one day when everyone left work early. I had a few more hours before I could leave the office and had no more work to do. Checked facebook. Replied to e-mails. Wasn't in the mood to blog. Made tea. Stared out window. Decided to learn how to rap. Why not, right? So it was me, some luke warm earl grey tea, and an unlimited supply of rap songs courtesy of youtube. I narrowed it down to one that I knew would be nice and challenging and keep me occupied. After about an hour I was feeling pretty good about it, life as a rap star flashed before my eyes once or twice. Ohh the bling! The booze! I could buy sneakers that cost more then my house!! Maybe I'd even get a grill! I mean, I have one that I can cook meat on, but I could get a matching one for my teeth! And one of those cars where the middle of the wheels keep spinning.. even when I'm stopped at a red light! 

Yeah, I could get used to that...

I got a bit too into this new passion of becoming a rapper because I didn't hear the knock at the door, or the footsteps of one of our clients walking into my office. I may or may not of even had my hat turned backwards. And by may, I mean I most definitely had my hat on backwards. The music was so loud that the walls looked like they were vibrating, and I was throwing up hand motions whenever I felt the song really needed it. (every second word.) 

She just stood there and stared at me. How do you redeem yourself from something like that? Oh, you don't. All I can say is hopefully one day when I'm known as D-hizle-muh-shizzle that that women will be able to say she had a front row viewing to my very first public rap performance.

Did you guys make New Year' resolutions? I sort of did. There's tons of things that I want to do and know I need to do this year, but I figure it's not going to motivate me any more to accomplish them by writing them down on a piece of paper and titling it "NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS 2010 BABY!!" I summarized everything I plan on doing this year into this - be more amazing and successful then ever. Oh, and to smile more in pictures. 

People always give me such a hard time about my signature "picture face". I was reading the new issue of cosmopolitan the other day and according to it, people link how you portray yourself in pictures to your personality and what you're actually like...

Well, shit son. If you see me in person, it's unlikely that you'll ever see me notsmiling but as soon as someone pulls out a camera I seem to throw on a picture face that makes me look like a stone cold bitch. I can assure you that I'm not.

Here's how it goes down - 1.) Spot friend removing camera from purse. 2.)Realize it's picture time! 3.) Tilt head down a tiny bit. 4.) Turn cheek a little to the left. 5.)  Raise eyebrows half a millimeter. 6.) Pout lip. 7.) Wait for flash.8.) Annnd go back to smiling and having fun! I'm trying to erase numbers 3-7. There's too many things in life to smile about to waste time raising your eyebrows and pouting your lips. I think this resolution is off to a good start.

We have a new intern at work. I'm pretty stoked about it - not only is she a complete doll but I'm pretty sure that in her last life she was some sort of coffee God. This girl can make a cup of java like none other. Or perhaps I'm just delirious and exhausted from this past month. I slept in till 11:30 today. I forgot that this was humanly possible.

I like to think I learn from other peoples mistakes. So if I'm going to be able to help even one person out there learn from my mistake, well then telling this story will be worth it. Last night I decided to wax my own eyebrows. Didn't seem like that hard of a task. Put wax on, take wax off. I waxed off half of my left eyebrow. Who even does that?!!!

So kiddo's, do yourself a favor and anyone who's going to have to see your face for the next three weeks a favor and leave this to the professionals. Lesson learnt.