Saturday, January 2, 2010

in my head i see you all over me.

I've blogged for as long as I can remember. I've spent hours upon hours typing out rants, bitching about whatever's making my head spin at that very second, and raving about how amazing, ridiculous and mind blowing any given night has been. For unknown reasons, I've decided to start blogging publicly. The thing I like about a blog is I can write about whatever I want. I can make it uncensored or as censored as I want. Whatever I write is real. Raw. Unscripted. If you're in my life, you've given me permission to possibly blog about you in here at one point or another. You won't figure me out through this blog, but maybe it'll give you a bit of an idea. A glimpse into my life. What makes me tick. What makes me smile. What makes my life worth getting out of bed each morning for. 

I'm putting myself pretty damn far out of my comfort zone here. People always tell me that i'm mysterious, a closed book, impossible to read. That I talk a lot, yet somehow they know nothing about me. Well here's my reasoning for this. Whatever I say, do, don't say or don't do, people will form their own opinions regardless. I'd much rather let people assume, guess, judge, do whatever they feel they need to do based on whatever you can find out from creeping through my facebook pictures and status updates, which is really based on nothing at all. Yeah, that's how I like it, so this will be different. New. Interesting. I can't promise you'll like what you read. You can love me, hate me, but if you keep reading then I've gotta be doing something right.

The best thing about this blog is it's all my life, no one else's. It's not wrong, it's not right, it's just the way I choose to live. The best thing about life is the chances you get to take. The adventures you choose to embark on. The things you choose to give up on, and the things you hold onto for dear life. Everybody gets to choose what path they take. What direction they wanna go. And this is mine.

I have a picture on my wall and somehow in just a couple sentences it summarizes everything I need to know to get through each and every day.

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